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Lei of Aloha
Mission Statement

Holding hands

Weaving together ti leaves from Kauai to Hawaii Island
Kaupo to Keanae to Haiku
Weaving the love and aloha to wrap around the people of the World
The Lei of Aloha brings us together
to support, to heal, to connect and to lift our collective spirits
when we lift one, we lift us all
The Lei of Aloha is about connection
We sit side by side
Weaving lei, weaving conversation, weaving friendship, weaving prayers
Weaving leaves of every color: red, yellow, pink, light green, dark green
Weaving people: gay, straight, Hawaiian, Asian, Hispanic, Caucasian
People of all colors and faiths
Young, and young at heart
Once woven and joined together
It is impossible to tell us apart

“Our mission with Lei of Aloha for World Peace is to send a powerful message of love, peace, and solidarity, woven into each part of the lei is the reminder that we are all connected. We are one.”

Ron Panzo, co-founder of Lei of Aloha for World Peace


Mahalo kākou, we kindly ask for your support in one of three ways:

by donating ti leaves, volunteering your time to make lei's, or providing monetary assistance.

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